Great Stone Door Savage Gulf State Natural Area, TN
There And
Back Again
Great Stone Door

Did you say you want a view? From a short easy hike? You got it. The 2 mile round trip Great Stone Door trail offers amazing views from multiple exposed bluffs along with the namesake feature, a 10ft wide 100ft deep crack in the rock along the gorge rim.

The trail starts to the left of the entrance road behind the ranger station where you'll find restrooms and running water, but make sure to sign in and out at the registration board before beginning your adventure. The first quarter mile of this trail consists of a wide flat paved path that culminates at the Laurel Gulf Overlook. Take in amazing views across the gorge, but 'tis a taste of what's to come. From here, the trail becomes a more natural dirt path for the rest of the hike.

At .9 miles you will come to a sign pointing to several overlooks and the stone door. Explore around as there are several fantastic overlooks, all with amazing views. If you're afraid of heights this may not be for you as several signs warn you about the high bluffs. Stand atop rocks jutting out over the edge of a 200ft drop and daydream about never leaving this spot. No guardrails here, so keep a close eye on children.

Next make sure to check out the Great Stone Door. The narrow 10ft crack in the rock was used by Indians. Hike down the stone steps through the crack. Looking back, it's as if someone left a door open. From here you can continue on the Big Creek Gulf trail to several other options if you want a longer and more difficult hike.

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Elevation Map Length (miles) by Elevation (feet)
Terrain Map Click to control map
length2 miles
difficulty2.2 Easy
duration1 hour
trail typeThere And Back Again
elevation gain250 ft.
state Tennessee 
park/forestSavage Gulf State Natural Area
South Cumberland State Park
ranger districtStone Door Ranger Station
1183 Stone Door Road
Beersheba Springs, TN 37305
931-692-3887, Visitor Center: 931-924-2980
parking feeNone
trailhead coordinates 35.446589, -85.655208 (Degree Decimal, DegDec)
N 35°26.8, W 85°39.31 (Degree Minutes, MinDec)
N 35°26'48'', N 35°26'48'' (Degree Minutes Seconds, DMS)
Trailhead Directions
35.446589, -85.655208 (Degree Decimal, DegDec)
N 35°26.8, W 85°39.31 most GPS units use this one
N 35°26'48'', N 35°26'48'' (Degree Minutes Seconds, DMS)
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The trail begins just behind the ranger station at the visitor registration board.
The park is open from 7:00 am to sunset year-round.
Make sure to sign in and out on the visitor registration log.
The bluffs around the Stone Door drop off several hundred feet. Watch children closely.
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5 (1)
Letsgo-2 weeks ago
The Savage Gulf area is nothing less than a small, beautiful marvel. I have hiked this area a couple times in the Fall and Winter and the beauty of it just sticks with you long after you leave. A must do TN hike!
hikethesouth-7 years ago
Why Did I Leave?!
For a short easy trail, this has to be one of the best view payoffs. It should take you less than an hour to hike this but I must have stayed along the top of the bluffs for over a half hour just starring across the canyon gulf.
Easy | Hiked Summer 2013
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